Retirement and inflation: what aid is provided?

Emergency inflation bonus or “exceptional back-to-school food aid”

This measure should cost the State 1.1 billion euros and will help several categories of people. The emergency inflation bonus, paid next September, will amount to €100 per household (and €50 per child for the households concerned). Some retirees will also receive it since, among the beneficiaries, we find among others: recipients of Aspa (solidarity allowance for the elderly); beneficiaries of the AAH (allowance for disabled adults); people receiving APL (personalized housing assistance). The inflation bonus was originally intended for workers. But, „it was not fair to deprive the most modest of this aid which is mainly used to pay for food shopping,” said Bruno le Maire, Minister of the Economy, Finance and Recovery. Remember that on February 28, 12 million French pensioners received the first inflation allowance (individual aid) worth €100.

Steve Walker

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